Summer update - Tait Berge
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Summer update

I wrote the first part of this newsletter sitting in the dark. Does anyone want to help me write The Night the Lights went out on Royer Street? I was getting ready to write when BANG! Lightning must have taken out a transformer.

I put on an audiobook (NT Wright of course. Just finished The Return of the Gods. I highly recommend it if you are concerned about the country.) and pounded out this “summer update” “yes Tait is alive” or, if this outage had continued for a while, a review of Oppenheimer (the movie of the year, by the way). I didn’t have NCIS to distract me. Might as well knock out a newsletter.

What have we been up to?

As the spring semester ended, I began to not feel well. I got a two-week extension for my ethics class. I couldn’t eat. My stomach was hurting. Nothing sounded good to eat, and I lived on Ensure and a liquid diet for a couple of weeks. When we ruled out everything with 2 trips to the ER, two CT scans, and one MRI, I collapsed and had an unplanned sabbatical.

A friend recently told me that sabbaticals should be at least six to eight weeks. It takes about three weeks to get out of the routine and really rest. I’ve heard this before, but can testify that it is true.  It has taken me three months to rest and refuel.

I caught up on my reading —- The Last Ride of the Pony Express and Going West with Giraffes were excellent. Started the second book on Church History, but I have more to read. Long walks and NCIS marathons rounded out my summer.

I wrote one blog post about the graphic I use for the heading for this website. Check it out here. I also hired another webmaster and server to manage my

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website. In the middle of the transition, however, untangling became a headache, and I switched to Seemed appropriate.

The Lord has finally released me from this sabbatical in early August. I have started to be out a little more, started back to the gym, and looked forward to my fall seminary classes. He has been gentle with me and showed me that I’m following his plan for me.  I write about this in a blog post that can be found here.

Now that I’m “rested” and I have 3 weeks before classes start, the Lord has been speaking up a storm. (I wish he had started earlier in the summer, but then again I probably would have never been able to listen to Him through my exhaustion!)

As you will read in the blog post, the Lord has reminded me that I’ve come into my own. I’m truly just living my dream! I participated in an online writer’s conference last week, and I was astonished at how far I have come in my ministry. I’m doing what I set out to do! I might not be publishing as much as I’d like right now, but I’m doing what I set out to do. I used to say that one day I envisioned that I’d use my writing to reach people affected by disabilities with the Gospel.

I’m doing it, and I’m praising the Lord today! HE IS GOOD!

The new semester starts the day after Labor Day. I’m ready to dive into Romans and Apologetics anticipating some challenges. (because that’s just how seminary works!) But God got this. Writing and ministry will tickle out as I’m able.

Please keep me in your prayers.

Tait goes indoors Skydiving!

For my fiftieth birthday, I  wanted to cross off an item from my bucket list…skydiving! While I had imagined some kind of tandem jumping experience and falling out of a plane, I settled for indoor skydiving! It didn’t disappoint.

It’s an unbelievable experience. I got decked out in a flight suit (getting me in a one-piece suit was almost as fun as the flight itself!), sat in a class, and flew in the same wind tunnel where cadets were practicing their air maneuvers just minutes before!

It was a blast!  There was a huge fan on the bottom of the tunnel that blew lots of air. I felt like a big Macy’s balloon as two instructors had to keep me steady. I was surprised that my body was…well…my body and that I wasn’t able to move like I wanted. Then I remembered that gravity was still very active — I wasn’t in space! The other surprising thing was just how loud the upper atmosphere is!

Check out my video!

Partner with Us

I’m blessed to be in partnership with Mephibosheth Ministry. We are a 501c3 organization whose sole mission is to encourage and equip the local church of Jesus to reach out into their communities and minister the gospel of Jesus to those families who have been affected by a disability.

 We are a project-based ministry. All money raised go towards projects including printing costs, travel expenses, internet services, office supplies, ect.

This month, our needs are

  • Car maintenance including brakes and tires
  • Website costs ($50 monthly)

If you would like to support our ministry or give to a specific project and receive a tax receipt, give online or send a check to 

 Mephibosheth Ministry 

P.O. Box 1061

Colorado Springs, CO 80903


Donations are appreciated, prayers are needed!

God bless!

1 Comment
  • Arlene & Steve DeBardelaben
    Posted at 14:41h, 04 November Reply

    Tait, for some reason I could see the video clearer on your backlist skydiving excursion. Wow… it had to be so amazing to experience! Keep probing the wild side of life! You are amazing! 2 of your greatest fans!

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