My Name is Tait” - Written to Educate and Inspire - Tait Berge
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My Name is Tait” – Written to Educate and Inspire

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Life is hard. Add in a disability, and it can be even more challenging. Tait Berge knows. In “My Name is Tait,” Berge writes about his successes, challenges, and hard times, as he faces a world that does not always accept his disability. In “My Name is Tait,” you will have a front seat as Tait shares his thoughts on disability, family, education, work experience, faith, and much more.

Written for young adults who live with disabilities, “My Name is Tait,” is an honest look at the issues people with disabilities face as they enter adulthood and navigate a world that is not designed for disability. Tait also writes with great wisdom and insight for professionals and friends who want to better understand the realities of having physical limitations.

“My Name Is Tait,” offers hope and practical help for young people looking for a compassionate guide into the world of adulthood.

The book also has a chapter on Tait’s faith and gives a presentation of the Gospel.

Tait Berge is releasing his fourth book, “My Name is Tait,” in the Spring of 2021, through Word and Spirit Publishers. Berge’s book is available through many distribution networks, including:, Barnes & Nobel, Books-A–Million,, as well as local Christion bookstores, distributors & wholesalers. 

About the Author:

Tait Berge is a writer, advocate, and a theologian. During the 1990s, Tait discovered his passion for the Lord and committed to full time ministry. As Berge was discerning his call, he was amazed how God had prepared him for ministry throughout all of his life. Berge believes his degree in journalism, and love for writing essentially paved the way to ministry!

Born with cerebral palsy, Tait believes the Lord ordained his disability. Berge knows the Lord is using his disability to glorify Him and prays He will continue to use Tait in mighty ways. Tait never believed he would be working with people with disabilities. “I used to run away whenever I saw someone with a disability,” he says. “I didn’t want to be associated with that group. I was so much better than them.” But God, as only He can, changed Tait’s heart and gave him a mission to connect people with disabilities to the local church.

Tait lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Kelly. He has published hundreds of articles and four books. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Leadership and Ethics from Nazarene Bible College. He will be attending Asbury Seminary in the fall of 2021 to begin a master’s degree in theology.






“Tait is a husband, brother, friend, writer, theologian, minister, leader, and a person with cerebral palsy. He is all of this from his wheelchair. Tait lives what it means to have grit. If you want to understand what success, and sometimes failure look like living with cerebral palsy, read Tait’s book. If you want encouragement while you face your obstacles, read this book.”

Jerry Bolton

Co-founder of the Luke 14 Exchange



“My Name is Tait,” is an excellent resource on self-advocacy and independent living for young adults with cerebral palsy and other special needs., I found book is of great value to me, as a pediatrician. Tait Berge shares life’s struggles from his own perspective, including engaging with physicians and therapists. Finally, anyone, regardless of their background, will enjoy his vignettes about life’s up and downs, and how he developed his faith, relationships, and the exceptional life he lives.”

Craig A. Rohan MD

Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics


Other Endorsements


Tait is a husband, brother, friend, writer, theologian, minister, leader, and a person with cerebral palsy. He is all of this from his wheelchair. Tait lives what it means to have grit. If you want to understand what success and sometimes failure look like living with cerebral palsy read this book. If you want encouragement while face your obstacles read this book.

Jerry Borton

Co-founder of the Luke 14 Exchange 


Your perspective on living with the disability is so encouraging.  We had a bad experience in a previous church where someone wanted to pray for my daughter to ‘heal her from the curse’ of her disability. Having your perspective gives me more ‘ammo’ when I stand and say, ”no disability is not a curse, it’s actually a part of God’s plan.”

Scott Price



Having gone through my daughter’s funeral and watched the lives she touched, I know that her life had a huge purpose and impact. And I see your life and the impact you have on those around you and through your ministry – myself included.

Scott Price



One of the highlights in our lives was the day Tait Berge asked for our blessing on his proposal to marry our daughter, Kelly. We could see that their love for one another was unique and very committed. Beyond that, we stand in awe of Tait’s courage to see God’s hand in how he was formed. His dry wit won us over immediately. Tait reflects an attitude of contentment but also demonstrates unwavering perseverance. His writing communicates with honesty about the experiences that have disciplined and enriched his life. Yes, we are a bit biased. But we do believe you will be inspired by Tait’s life. 

Steve and Arlene DeBardelaben

Athletes in Action Chaplains

University of Miami

Miami Heat


This book, “My Name is Tait” is a fascinating journey full of insights and humor into the life of the author as he reflects upon the many life events in his struggle to be seen, heard and respected as a person living with a very obvious physical disability and significant communication barriers. I have known Tait since he was a child both as a physical therapist and a friend in his adult years. I found myself reaching for my highlighter as I read his reflections and perceptions regarding his life journey and how he was able to articulate on how his own personal growth has changed his take on certain life events. This book is a must read for everyone, as Tait takes his readers on a journey few of us will ever really comprehend. But the insights gained will make anyone reading it not only understand life from a different perspective but be an encouragement to love and respect everyone no matter what the outside covering appears to be.

Lily Frasch

Pediatric Therapist


As a life coach, mental health counselor, and practical theologian, I met Tait several years ago and have spent considerable time in groups discussing theology where he was a part. I was happy to read his very fascinating and accessible life story in “My Name is Tait.” I like his honest, simple way of portraying his life as a person with disabilities and his thoughtful, humble, persistent, and sometimes out-of-the-box ways of how he overcomes challenges. I will be recommending this book to people who want helpful insight and hope regarding their own or others’ disabilities.

Elise Cadwell 

Life coach 


My Name is Tait is a book that everyone should read, whether or not you are personally acquainted with a person who has a disability. In this rich and deep look at Tait Berge’s day to day life, Tait provides insights into the emotional, physical, spiritual, practical, vocational and social challenges he has faced living with CP. I learned so much about Tait, whom I have known for many years, but due to communication difficulties, I never knew! And I learned so much that is transferable to interacting in other spheres with those who live with disabilities of all types. I am grateful to have this entertaining, highly accessible, and beautiful look at this man’s heart, mind, body and soul.

The Reverend Doctor Regina Hopewell

Head Deacon, International Anglican Church 



Tait Berge’s most recent book, “My Name is Tait,” is perhaps his most powerful.  Tait shares his approach to life with a disability with an unflinching honesty most of us could only aspire to.  His candor in sharing the most personal aspects of his remarkable journey – love, family, faith and mental health to name a few – made the manuscript next to impossible for me to put down.  In straightforward language and with a good dose of humor, Tait expansively addresses the big question we all face no matter our ability: ‘Why?’”

– Charles “Stretch” Ledford, Associate Professor of Journalism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


“In his wonderful and straight forward writing style, Tait Berge manages to profoundly challenge our assumptions about those impacted by disability. His new book, My Name if Tait, shows us that his life with CP includes marriage, education, faith and meaningful work. Students and their families, whether directly affected by disability or not, should read this book, which also gives readers a chance to reflect on their own God-given purpose and goals.”

Deborah Abbs, co-author of Life on the Spectrum, for parents and caregivers of those with autism


Tait writes with the same integrity and faith that he lives by every day.  He is able to use his self-awareness, honestly voicing his fear, successes, joys and failures to provide love and learning for others.  He not only speaks to those living with disabilities, but equally shares the fears, insecurities and times of great personal courage that everyone experiences.  He does not fall into toxic shame and accepts learning opportunities to discover more about himself and his walk with God.  

I have known Tait for many years and this is the man I respect and admire.  I’ve watched him grow in self confidence, faith and achieve a life filled with purpose and love with his wife Kelly.  

Reverend Patricia Dailey Dolin


My Name is Tait is a must-read for any parent of a child with special needs! This is a wonderful story of Tait’s life and how he and his family never allowed his disability to define him, but instead, he accomplishes his dreams and continues to do so! Tait does a great job of showing how he overcame the trials and challenges he faced and still focused on his abilities and NOT his disability! Tait is a wonderful self-advocate for individuals with disabilities and shows how you can fight for yourself and accomplish anything you set your mind on, especially when you allow Jesus Christ to be your true focus! Read the book and share it with all your friends, they will all be blessed!

Stephen “Doc” Hunsley

SOAR Special Needs Executive Director/Founder




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